This is the tarot deck Fox Mulder would have wanted. We are living in strange times. The US Navy has admitted to the existence of UFOs. Our government has been studying cryptids. Ghost- and cryptid-hunting shows have become the most heavily watched programs on tv. And experts in the paranormal and quantum physics fields are arriving at the same conclusion: All of these seemingly disparate phenomena are related. Tarot of the Unexplained was conceived and designed to represent the most commonly seen and experienced and yet unexplained phenomena. It incorporates these modern concerns as suits: Wands, Swords, Cups, and Pentacles become Sasquatch knocking sticks, Ghosts, Portals, and Flying Saucers. Pages have become Fans, Knights are now Hunters, Queens are Advocates, but Kings are Skeptics, and their role is to take a hard look at the situation and ensure you aren’t letting your imagination escalate things. This is a deck that embraces the diversity and weirdness of the 21st century.