A practical guide to working with gemstones and crystals connected to Goddess energy for magick, healing, and transformation • 2020 Coalition of Visionary Resources Gold Award • Explores more than 100 Goddess-centered stones and crystals, including amazonite, amethyst, birthing stones, thundereggs, geodes, Lemurian seed crystals, sakura stone, yeh ming zhu, and carnelian, also known as the blood of Isis • Details each stone’s astrological and elemental correspondences, Goddess archetypes, healing properties, magickal uses, and aspects of the Divine Feminine it embodies • Includes instructions for Goddess-centered rituals, guided meditations, and spells • Explains how to create Goddess-centered crystal grids, crystal elixirs, and charm bags Part of Mother Earth, crystals and gemstones are intimate pieces of the body of the Goddess, sacred tools that can help us tap into Her energy for healing, magick, and spiritual growth.