A practical handbook to the history, exercises, and techniques of German rune work
• Explores the four traditional runic systems: the Older Futhark, the Anglo-Frisian Futhorc, the Younger Futhark, and the Armanic Futhork
• Details powerful rune work techniques and exercises, including rune yoga and dance, runic hand gestures (mudras), rune singing (mantras), runic healing, runic tantra and sex magic, rune rituals, runic divination, and the runic theory of crystals
• Examines the history of esoteric runology and the trailblazers of modern rune magic, including Guido von List, Friedrich Bernhard Marby, and Rudolf John Gorsleben
Although the rune renaissance began blossoming in Anglo-American occult circles in the 1970s, the runes have been part of the occult revival in Germany since its beginning in the late 19th century, with roots that go back centuries further.