The first guide to working with microchakras, the channels within each of the 7 major chakras • Identifies 147 microchakras that affect our spiritual evolution and daily well-being • Introduces the new field of Microchakra Psychology and its practical component of InnerTuning, the use of precise sacred sounds that release energy blockages within the chakras • Includes a 28-minute CD of InnerTuning sacred sounds Each of the traditional 7 chakras contains 21 microchakras, which enable the chakras to process information related to our thoughts, feelings, and behavior. When the energy flowing in the chakras is blocked, our physical, emotional, and psychological well-being is compromised. Through the unique practice of InnerTuning--a system of precise, potent sounds and mantras--blockages in the microchakras can be released so the subtle body can become realigned and physical and mental health can be restored.