Sick of looking for love in all the wrong places? Let the stars play matchmaker and learn to use your zodiac sign - and everyone else’s! - to find and woo your perfect match, in a romance destined by the stars themselves!
Every star sign has its own allure, passions, and desires. With this fun and playful guide, you’ll learn about them all - especially which one is the perfect match for you! You’ll also learn the secrets of attracting all the astrological signs, including how to:
• Find the best (and avoid the worst) star-sign matches
• Act and dress to be irresistible to any sign
• Predict your lover’s likes and dislikes
• Make your partner a better lover
• and much more!
With in-depth quizzes and descriptions of the relationship characteristics, dating habits, and compatible matches of each sign, this entertaining guide will bring you a truly cosmic love life!