Enter the legendary world of enchanted unicorns! These mythical creatures make powerful spirit guides and totem animals. This oracle is inspired by the Voynich Manuscript, an impenetrable medieval work that is one of the most perplexing mysteries in the history of cryptology. Within the 36 cards and accompanying booklet, the mystical nature of the cryptic codex is explored, beautifully matching the myth and magick of the unicorn legend.At its very core, the yet-to-be-deciphered manuscript appears to be dedicated to healing and self-care, as is this oracle, and both explore the power of plants and botanical cures. On these beautiful cards, fantastical foliage, fruit, and flowers sprout from the heads and bodies of unicorns, echoing the weird and wonderful Voynich imagery.The Enchanted Unicorn Oracle gives you access to the magick of plants, exciting spells and rituals, and the wisdom and power of unicorns. The unicorn messages give comfort, joy, and inspiration to guide you.