Did you know . . .
¸ Taurus and Beagle are born buddies
¸ Dalmation and Leo cohabitate splendidly
¸ Aquarius and Collie are soul mates
¸ Dachshund and Capricorn love each other's company
¸ Virgo and Chihuahua are the perfect fit
These are just some of the many perfect people-pet combinations you'll find in this treasure trove of canine personality traits and sun sign profiles for more than one hundred different breeds. Drawing on her thirty years of experience as an astrologer, dog breeder, and trainer, Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall spells out the positives and negatives of every breed, explains how each sign of the zodiac affects them, and provides practical answers for all your concerns.
What if you and your pet have conflicting sun signs or you don't know your dog's birthdate? What breeds and signs indicate good pets for families? For singles? For couch potatoes or workaholics? You'll learn that Scottish Terriers are a perfect pet for the singles scene and active Leo dogs can eat anything because they'll run it off with nervous energy. Dogs born under the Aries sign are rugged individualists. And much more!
Hundreds of fascinating facts are revealed in Cosmic Canines--everything you need to know to choose your ideal canine companion and help the dog you already own and love become his most contented best.