Every life follows a certain rhythm, a cycle. The seasons follow a creation cycle, day and night, as well as the phases of the moon. In our hectic, challenging daily life we often forget that we are part of this nature. The cards “Circles of Strength” are inspirations with which we can come closer to our own rhythm of life, and thereby our own truth. We may allow ourselves phases of weakness and we may also celebrate our successes loudly and joyfully. What sometimes seems like a loss can a little later be seen as the tender sprout of a new beginning. The sensually designed inspiration cards are like modern, powerful mandalas. In the comprehensive booklet, thought-provoking messages as well as mindfulness, meditation, and awareness exercises deepen the inspiration of the cards. Includes 40 cards and an 84-page full-color booklet. Box measures: 4.25" x 5.75"; cards measure: 3.75" x 5.375".