Spiritual decks are one of the hottest categories in mind-body-spirit publishing and Tori's deck combines the approachability of Doreen Virtue with the depth of the traditional Tarot.
This beautifully illustrated oracle deck uses the chakras as a starting point. The 49 cards are divided into seven groups for each of the seven main chakras. Each card represents a fable that can be interpreted to give wise guidance and uncanny divination for the reader. The book provides an interpretation for each card including: the card's name; a quote from the fable; a key word or focus; chakra definition; divination/reading; and the fable itself. The book includes information on how to do basic one-card readings as well as more developed, yet still easy-to-use, spreads. It contains everything you need to work with this new deck, which is set to become a classic for those interested in card divination