While Baphomet has often been misconstrued as a demonic figure, the figure is, in reality, a symbol—a complex cipher holding within its form the keys to profound philosophical and esoteric truths. Baphomet Revealed will take readers on a journey that weaves together the threads of history, symbolism, and esoteric philosophy, unraveling the tapestry of Baphomet’s enduring mystique. Such a journey would be incomplete without acknowledging the essential contribution of Eliphas Lévi, whose conceptualization of Baphomet has profoundly shaped our modern image of this occult icon. Lévi’s Baphomet, far removed from demonic caricature, emerges as an emblem of equilibrium—a harmony of opposing forces and a mirror to the universe’s inherent dualism and an icon of equity and gender equality. The inclusion of historical depictions and magical seals associated with Baphomet will provide a visual companion to the text.